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BALAYAN I GROUP helps capital and ideas move. We are transactional counsel providing the first-class legal advice and execution excellence across the selected practices and industries.
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Corporate &

Corporate & Transactions

Our transactional powerhouse focuses on complex and innovative deals in the M&A space. To ensure the best possible transactional outcome, we provide a unique combination of strategic advice, robust project management, and high-quality legal support. Our team of internationally trained professionals supports clients of all sizes and in all stages of M&A process in Russia and globally. We know that time is always of essence.

Equipped with strategic thinking, business acumen and excellent legal expertise, we are perfectly placed to support our clients in their transformation and growth through joint ventures, alliances and strategic collaborations. Our commitment, strong project management and and ability to find a right approach to each player ensure synergy of our clients’ and their partners’ businesses.

Private equity landscape in Russia is challenging. With us on board, investors and companies poised for transformation, as well as private equity firms, get a reliable partner to bring every transaction to success. We cover full spectrum of issues on private equity transactions and drive deals for our clients passionately.

Our fast-executing, innovative and strategic-minded team is dedicated to help venture capital and other investors alongside emerging companies transform and disrupt industries and Russian and global markets. We know how to lead a company from its cradle to becoming a confident market player. Our clients gain access to our unparalleled network in the venture business community.

Drawing on our deep product expertise, we give clients confidence in navigating dynamic capital markets equity. With us the clients successfully bridge the gap between ambition and achievement, whether it is an initial or secondary public offering, SPAC or related equity financing, direct listing, private placement or registered transaction in any jurisdiction, across borders and in any industries.

Meeting corporate law requirements in day-to-day operations is a critical element to corporate success. We help clients to balance competing interests of different stakeholders and provide perspectives on current and emerging corporate governance trends in Russia and globally. Crisis management, conflicts of interests, ESG compliance, management bodies functions and structures, and fiduciary duties are just some of the crucial issues that we cover.

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Digital regulation is a novel and evolving field. To ensure our clients practice an adaptive digital compliance policy, we always remain updated on the local and international developments in the field. Furthermore, we guide our clients to understand how digital regulation works in practice.

Today deployment of Big Data analytics is rapidly providing a competitive advantage for market players. We support our clients to avoid pitfalls in this scarcely regulated area to ensure they responsibly leverage the value of Big Data.

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Focusing on ecosystems, we are pioneers among law firms. Through expert legal advice, we help ecosystems grow, operate, and thrive. Our tailored approach appreciates the differences between individual needs of separate elements of ecosystems. At the same time, we recognize the importance of unified legal solutions and synergies which we help to implement.


Technology is on everyone’s agenda. We offer advice to investment funds and other investors, leading technology companies and technology arms of established industry players in their growth through both our technological and transactional acumen.

FinTech • PayTech • BioTech

EdTech • SportTech • MedTech

InsurTech • Fashion Tech

E-commerce and Marketplaces

E-commerce, and, particularly, marketplaces, are ones of the most rapidly changing industries. They quickly adopt fresh technologies and are ones of the trendsetters for other sectors. We support our clients by delivering thoughtful, practical and comprehensive legal solutions at every stage of operations.

Telecom and Digital Infrastructure

Challenging industry environment dictates the need for transformation through transactions. Having a strong team of transactional lawyers on your side is pivotal. Moreover, we are perfectly placed to support clients with the legal issues related to data centres and other digital infrastructure assets.

Media & Entertainment, Digital Media

We are unmatched among legal advisors in the media and entertainment sphere. With unrivaled expertise and exceptional market intelligence, we help our clients to architect and implement the transactions. Our team is a perfect guide in the regulatory environment that shapes this sector.

Automotive, Financial institutions, Industrials, Consumer goods & retail, Energy, Natural resources, Transportation & logistics

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